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Inner Resource Center

Monday, October 24, 2011

Wealth Is a State of Mind

"Wealth is not a material gain, but a state of mind."

~Jerry Gillies

What we think and feel about our lives is really what determines if we are wealthy or not.  If you are focused on what you DON'T HAVE, you will feel poor.  If you are focused on what you DO HAVE, you will feel rich.  There will always be people who have more than you have in terms of financial wealth.  And there will always be people who have less than you have in terms of financial resources.  It isn't about how much stuff you've accumulated or the cost of the things you own, it is the quality of your life that determines your life's richness.  And the quality of your life is determined by what you think about it.

This week:  Notice those who have less than you as well as those who have more than you. (Usually the latter is pretty easy to notice).  Think about what it is that really makes your life rich.  Write down those things.  Then review your list and see how you are doing at creating real wealth in your life (the non-monetary kind).  Is there something you could do to help yourself create more richness in your life?  Set an intention to do that.  You deserve to have a rich, meaningful, authentic life!

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people overcome the mindset limitations and limiting beliefs that keep them from creating a life that is rich, both personally and financially.  She has created a 7-step process for finding your life's purpose and beginning to live it.  For more information, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com .  

Monday, October 17, 2011

Be Yourself

"You can't base your life on other people's expectations."

~Stevie Wonder 

We've all done it at some point or another--tried to live our lives based on someone else's expectations.  Those people might have been our parents.  Or maybe our peers.  Or a significant other. Most of us have learned the hard way that basing your life on other people's expectations leaves you living someone else's life.  And, just like wearing someone else's shoes, it may not fit very well.  You life needs to be a reflection of you.  It needs to reflect what is important to you, what you are passionate about, what brings you joy (or sorrow).  Each of us is given a life to live, and we deserve to live it to the fullest. 

This week: Take a hard look at how much you are living your life to fit someone else's expectations.  Are you compromising your values to get along? Are you ignoring things you like to do because someone else doesn't feel the same way?  Are you going along to get along?  Are you avoiding long overdue confrontations?  If so, make a decision to be more of yourself.  Do ONE SMALL THING to express something about yourself, regardless of whether or not others approve.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people identify what is most important to them and help them overcome the "need to please." She wants people to live meaningful, purposeful lives and created Discover Your Life's Purpose: 7 Steps to a Life of Meaning & Authenticity, a self help CD/workbook program.  For more information go to http://www.innerresourcecenter.com/ .

Monday, October 10, 2011

Warren Buffet's Advice

"The one piece of advice I can give you is, 
do what turns you on. 
Do something that if you had all the money in the world, 

you’d still be doing it. 
You’ve got to have a reason to 
jump out of bed in the morning."

~Warren Buffet

You need to have passion for what you do every day.  That is what sustains you when times are tough or when you are facing tasks that are a challenge.  If you do what you love, you bring to your job creativity, enthusiasm, energy and joy.  That is contagious and communicates itself to your clients or customers. If you really have a passion for your career and are willing to commit yourself to the expression of that passion, you'll find a way to make it successful.

This week: Think about what got you interested in the job you currently hold.  Is there passion there, or was there passion at one time?  If you've lost it, think about what you'd need to be able to recapture it.  If you are doing something that you are not passionate about, is there something else you need to be doing? If so, figure out what the first step might be in moving into that.  Don't get scared--you don't have to make a jump right now.  Just consider what small thing you could do to move you in that direction.  Sometimes it may be just acknowledging your dream.  What's your dream?

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people discover their passion and overcome the obstacles to making it happen.  She specializes in helping her clients over mindset limitations--those limiting beliefs and attitudes that keep you stuck.  For more information about her services, go to http://www.innerresourcecenter.com/

Monday, October 3, 2011

It's All in How You Think About It

"Being challenged in life is inevitable,
 being defeated is optional."

~Roger Crawford

It seems that it is inevitable that challenges will occur in our lives. Changes happen and we must be able to roll with them.  We have to be able to adapt and accommodate.  If we are unwilling to change, we set ourselves up to be defeated.  It is all in how you think about it. Challenge and change can bring you to some new and exciting places as long as you are open to it.

This week:  Take a good look at your life.  What are the inevitable challenges you face?  Do they require you to change your approach?  Do they require you to think about things differently?  What changes would help you meet those challenges?  If you could change how you think about something, would it turn defeat into success?  What is ONE SMALL THING you could do right now that would help you change your thinking and meet this challenge.  Take that step.  Then figure out what the next step would be.  Before you know it, you'll be on your way.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people overcome the limiting beliefs and mindset limitations that keep them stuck.  She uses the resources she's developed in 32 years of practice to give you the right tools to resolve challenges quickly so that you can move on. For more information, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com .

Monday, September 26, 2011

Don't Get Your Knickers in a Knot

"Don't get your knickers in a knot. 
Nothing is solved and it just makes you walk funny."

~Kathryn Carpenter

This quote is a reminder not to allow ourselves to get upset over the small stuff.  When we overreact, we just make ourselves look silly and may alienate people as well.  Unless you want to be the negative center of attention because your knickers are in a knot and you are walking funny, modulate your reactions.  When you do, you'll be able to problem solve a solution because heavy duty emotions won't derail you.  But, if you find yourself overreacting a lot, it may be because you have stockpiled negative emotions from past negative experiences and you are reacting to the accumulation of years worth of "stuff."  

This week:  Take stock of your reactions.  How often do you "get your knickers in a knot" over something?  Are there particular issues that trigger you?  Are there particular people?  What emotions show up when you are feeling this way?  Anger? Hurt? Sadness? What would you need to believe in order to let it roll off your back?  Experiment with telling yourself that belief the next time the situation arises.  Breathe deeply.  Count to ten.  Hum your favorite song or another song that will change your state (e.g. "Don't Worry, Be Happy; Camptown Races; Zippity-Do-Dah; etc.).  Keep breathing.  Walk around the block or down the hall.  Notice how easy it is to walk when your knickers aren't in a knot.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people get rid of stockpiled negative emotions that block their success and happiness.  She brings over 33 years of experience and a vast toolbox of techniques for change to her individualized programs.  For more information go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com

Monday, September 19, 2011

Your Life Needs to Fit YOU

"The shoe that fits one person pinches another; 
there is no recipe for living that suits all cases." 

~Carl Jung

This is such a great reminder that "one size does not fit all" when we are talking about your living your life. We often look at the way we think others are living and either envy it or judge it, but the key to a fulfilling life is to make sure your life fits YOU.  We each must make decisions about what is important to us, and those need to be our own.  Don't like the way you are living?  Change it. But make sure it fits YOU.

This week:  Do some thinking.  Ask yourself "Am I living my life for me?  Does my life really fit me? Or have I gone along to please others or because I think they somehow have the magic answers?  If you find that you are not living your life for you, consider what you would need to change in order to make it fit you better.  Make a list.  Now begin, this week, with ONE SMALL THING you can do to make your life your own.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people create authentic fulfilling lives.  She recognizes the uniqueness of each individual and creates programs that fit that individuality. Linda specializes in helping people overcome "mental clutter"--those negative emotions and limiting beliefs that keep people stuck.  For more information, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com

Monday, September 12, 2011

No Matter How Inspired, You Have to Take Action

"Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working."

~Pablo Picasso

Creativity and inspiration will only lead to excellence when it is followed by action.  You can have the best ideas in the world, but if you don't work to bring them to fruition, they remain just ideas.  Dreams are fine, but fulfilling those dreams requires work.

This week:  Take a look at some of the ideas you have had upon which you haven't acted.  What has stopped you?  Has it been a reluctance to take action?  If so, why?  What is it you believe about taking that action that is stopping you from moving forward with your idea(s)?  Challenge yourself this week.  Take one of your ideas, and take some action about it.  Notice if it changes how you feel about the idea.  Will taking more action help you build some momentum?  Are there other resources you need?  Sometimes the best action involves finding the right resources.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people take action towards their goals.  Her business, the Inner Resource Center, LLC helps people find the right resources to move forward in their life or their career.  She specializes in helping people overcome the mindset limitations that often keep them stuck.  For more information go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com .

Monday, September 5, 2011

Getting Outside Your Comfort Zone Is Necessary For Success

"To be successful, all you have to do 
is give up everything you know."

~Asara Lovejoy

O.K., this isn't quite true, but it seems like it.  To be successful, you need to be able to let go of preconceived notions, long-standing limitations and habits that don't serve you.  You need to get out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself.  Sometimes when you are doing things that feel uncomfortable, or struggling to learn new skills, you may feel like you are having to give up everything you know.  Remember that new skills feel uncomfortable until you practice them.  In time and with practice, they become second nature.  

This week:   Take an honest look at where you stand with your success, however you define it.  How well is your old approach working for you?  Do you need a new approach?  Do you need to find new models for success?  Do you need to develop new skills?  If you could stretch yourself in only ONE area, would it make a difference?  Use this inventory to identify ways you may need to "step up your game."  Identify an area in which you could stretch yourself.  Outline a plan for making that happen.  Now, this week, before any more time has passed, take the first step in that plan.  Congratulations!  You are stepping outside your comfort zone!

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people achieve goals they had not thought even possible using her solution focused approach.  She specializes in helping people overcome the mindset limitations that block their success (and happiness).  For more information, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com .  

Monday, August 29, 2011

Believe in Your True Self

"There is but one cause of human failure. 
And that is man's lack of faith in his true Self."

~William James

We so often sell ourselves short.  We believe that what needs to be done is beyond our abilities.  We allow past experiences to mold our beliefs and keep us from stepping up to tackle challenges again.  If we really believed in our true Self, what could be possible?  Your true Self is all the potential you hold inside you, even though you haven't realized it yet.  It is the dreams you dream; the hopes you have, and the desire to be more than you express in your every day life.  We block ourselves from believing in our true Self by hanging on to beliefs that might have once been true but really no longer serve us.  Beliefs like "I'm not good enough," or "I don't deserve," or "I don't know enough."  If you can begin to allow your true Self to shine through, you can achieve anything.  Don't you owe that to yourself--and to others?

This week:  Notice when you block yourself with mindset limitations.  What really stands in the way of your success?  If you are finding excuses in the economy, or some limitation you think you have, be honest with yourself.  Ask yourself:  "How am I blocking my true Self?"  Be honest about who your true Self really is, what he/she is really capable of.  Now think of one SMALL thing you can do to allow yourself to express your true Self.  Do that one thing this week.  Notice what happens to your faith in yourself. 

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people overcome mindset limitations and other "mental clutter" that blocks their success and happiness.  When you let go of those negative beliefs and mental clutter, you may room for your authentic Self to express all those things of which you are truly capable.  For more information about her solution focused approach and variety of services she offers, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com

Monday, August 22, 2011

You'll Never Fly If You Don't Ever Jump

"You've got to jump off cliffs all the time 
 and build your wings on the way down."

~Ray Bradbury

O.K., you don't LITERALLY jump off cliffs, but you have to be willing to take chances, to escape the things that hold you back.  And sometimes you can't just stick your toe in and expect it to make a difference. You have to be willing to "jump off cliffs" and escape the bonds of your own fear, your own limiting beliefs, and own self doubt.  And when you try to tackle this stuff it may seem like jumping off a cliff, it is so far outside your comfort zone.

But here's the deal.  If you don't ever jump, you'll be like a bird that stays in the nest forever.  You'll eventually be left behind and may starve to death.  When everybody else has built wings and you're still standing on the cliff or staying in the nest, you might feel nice and safe, but are you really?  Sometimes you'll discover new skills, new creativity, new ideas (new wings) when you move outside the safe and familiar.

This week:   Think about what is holding you back.  Is there some area in your life where you're trying to just stand there and be safe?  Are you holding back in your career?  Are you holding back in relationships?  Are you afraid to jump?  Really be honest with yourself about what holds you back.  Is there some way you can jump and build your wings on the way down?  If you can, take one small baby jump this week and notice what happens.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people overcome the obstacles to their success and happiness.  She specializes in helping people let go of limiting beliefs and negative emotions from the past--that "mental clutter" that keeps people stuck.  For more information or to find out how to get rid of all baggage in as little as 4 days, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com and find out how Personal Breakthrough Intensive Sessions work . 

Monday, August 15, 2011

What Does Your Inner Voice Say?

"The loudest and most influential voice you hear is
your own inner voice, your self critic. 
It can work for you or against  you, 
depending on the messages you allow."

~Keith Harrell

We all have an internal critic inside commenting on our thoughts, behavior and emotions.  Sometimes we call it our "conscience" as when it warns us against doing something wrong.  Sometimes it is the voice of a dissatisfied parent or someone else significant from our past.  Sometimes it is our own voice, judging us.  If you are a perfectionist, that inner voice will NEVER be satisfied.  If you instruct your inner voice to give you credit for doing something that is difficult for you, or for making the effort, you will encourage yourself to try harder and do better with your next effort.  If your inner voice is always critical, you'll find yourself resisting doing things you might succeed at.  When all you get is critical, you'll find yourself giving up.  You might even begin to believe that you "aren't good enough" or that you "don't know enough."  Tame that inner voice so that it works with you instead of against you.

This week:   Pay attention to your "inner voice."  With each message, evaluate "Is this true?"  You may discover that if you are truthful you will recognize that you are too hard of yourself.  Would you talk this way to a child?  Would you talk this way to your spouse?  Would you talk with way to an employee?  If not, why are you being so critical of yourself?  Ask yourself "What is the best way to get the best performance?"  At least ONCE during the week, modify that inner voice to be supportive rather than critical.  Pay attention to the difference--which way brings better results?

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people overcome limitations to their success and happiness.  She finds that many people carry around a lot of "mental clutter"--those negative emotions and limiting beliefs that block their success.  If your inner voice is too critical, find out how a Personal Breakthrough Intensive Session can change that.  For more information, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com .

Monday, August 8, 2011

Stretch Outside Your Comfort Zone

"Do one thing everyday that scares you."

~Eleanor Roosevelt

I love this quote because it reminds me to continue to stretch myself every day, to confront the things that scare me.  When we face the things that make us uncomfortable we gain confidence.  We may not always be successful, but we have faced down the fear.  Face your fear and do it anyway.  Most times the things we are afraid of are in our heads.  We allow ourselves to be blocked by those limiting beliefs--those mindset limitations--that tell us that scary or terrible things will happen.  We already allow ourselves to be affected by those fears, even when the things we are afraid of have not happened.  

This week:  Uncover something that you've been afraid to do EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Yep.  Do one thing every day that scares you.  It doesn't have to be huge or earth-shattering.  We all have lots of little fears along with those big ones.  So start small.  Pick something you've been scared to do and do it right now.  When you have done it, breathe a sigh of relief.  You did it!  Now write down what you will do every day for the rest of the week.  Face those fears, big or small.  At the end of the week notice how you feel.  Once you've done something you were afraid of, do you continue to be scared of it?  If so, that's O.K., but keep practicing! 

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people confront their limiting beliefs and the things they believe block them.  She helps them stretch themselves to achieve goals they had not thought  possible using her solution focused approach.  For more information or to see how a Personal Breakthrough Intensive Session could help you blast through fear completely, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com  

Monday, August 1, 2011

Find Your Pace

"Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability." 

~Sam Keen

This quote really resonated with me this week (O.K., I confess, it resonated for this whole past month).  When the weather is hot, it is tough to move.  We slow down.  At first I thought this was a bad thing, but I'm now realizing that hot weather or not, it is often important pace yourself.  There is a rhythm to life and the key is to find the rhythm that suits YOU and suits you at a particular time for particular tasks.  

This week:  Take some time to reflect.  Slow down.  Take the time to look at how you pace yourself.  What is your rhythm?  Are you slow and steady?  Fast and driven?  Stopped?  Think back on times in your life that have been the best for you.  What was your rhythm then?  This week experiment with your rhythm.  Try out different paces.  Think of it as a dance you are doing.  When are you moving your best?  Use this information to plan how to move forward at the pace that is best for you.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people overcome obstacles to their success and happiness.  She specializes in helping people set and reach goals they had not thought possible using her solution focused approach.  For more information go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com .  

Monday, July 25, 2011

You Are More Than You Think You Are

"You are much grander than you think you are."
~Asara Lovejoy

While it is certainly true that many people hide their brilliance behind a veil of false modesty, the reality is that none of us (not even the most arrogant) can really capture how much we are truly capable of.  No matter what you think you really are, you are always something more.  In part this is because we are not able to completely understand all that we are and can be.  We have not yet thought of ideas and creations we will manifest, nor  dreamed the dreams we will make come true.  All of that potential swims around in some sea of our unconscious until the time is right to emerge.  You don't have to toot your own horn and brag about how grand you are and can be.  All you need to do is to keep open to the possibility that you may not yet know how grand you are.

This week:  Take some time to look back at your life so far.  Notice in particular if there were times when you limited yourself with how you thought about your capabilities.  Acknowledge that maybe those limitations weren't really true.  Think about times when you overcame obstacles or achieved more than you thought you could.  Think about dreams you may have given up on because you didn't think something was possible.  Now think ahead to the future.  What would you want to do if you knew it was completely possible?  What would you do if you knew you had all the resources you needed?  What would you be if you could be anything?  Open yourself up to all the possibilities.  Now, devise some ritual that will help keep you open to your own possibilities.  What could you say or do that will remind you that you are much grander than you think?  

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people stretch beyond their mindset limitations.  She specializes in helping people let go of negative emotions and limiting beliefs from the past, and often utilizes intensive sessions over a 4 day period to help people break through in some area of their lives.  For more information, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com . 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Don't Wait Too Long to Use Your Ideas

“Turn every idea upside down to see
 if there is an expiration date stamped on the bottom.”

~Thomas Shepherd

While it may sound strange to check for the "expiration date" of ideas as if they were carton of milk or a loaf of bread, the timing of an idea may be vital to its success.  When you have ideas or opportunities to develop something new, check to see what the urgency is of creating it.  Ideas that fit with the needs of those around you deserve a higher priority.  You don't want to miss your window of opportunity.  Some ideas have a much longer "shelf life," however.  In fact, the current conditions might not support your pursuit of that idea.  If that is the case, write down the idea on a piece of paper and save it in a "parking lot."  Your parking lot is the place where you "park" your ideas until a) you have more time; or b) the timing is right to pursue it.  But make sure you note that "expiration date" so that you don't wait too long!

This week:  Just notice the "expiration date" on ideas you have or those others approach you with.  How does knowing that change the priority you assign it?  Is there something you need to do to make sure that you don't end up throwing out perfectly good ideas because you've waited too long to use them?  At the end of this week, make a decision about how you are going to incorporate "expiration dates" into your use of ideas.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people achieve goals they had not thought possible using her solution focused approach.  She helps clients take the necessary action to reach goals efficiently and to overcome any mindset limitations that might be interfering with success.  For more information, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com

Monday, July 11, 2011

It All Begins With Your Imagination

"First comes thought; 
then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; 
then transformation of those plans into reality. 
The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination."

~Napoleon Hill

Sometimes people wonder about how to do strategic planning.   It isn't something magical.  It involves following these steps to create the plan for your organization or for your life.   First comes thought--the vision--what you imagine things could be like.  Then you break down that vision into ideas and plans, then begin to take action steps to make those plans comes true.  The beginning, though, is in your imagination.  It is the vision, the passion, the idea that "I really WANT this."  The magic is in the compelling vision, because that is what drives it all.

This week:  Do you have a vision of something you'd like to have happen in your life or career?  Is it compelling?  Do you feel passionately about it?  If not, play with it until you can experience those emotions that tell you it is a must have. If so, create a plan to make it happen.  Then break that plan into smaller steps and take action.  Do at least one small action today.  And at least once a day, reconnect with that vision, that passion, that compelling future that emerged from your imagination.  Stay connected to it because that is what will keep you moving forward toward achieving it.  

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people identify their vision, mission and life purpose.  She specializes in helping people figure out HOW, to access their resources and to create the steps to easily achieve their goals.  For more information, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com

Monday, July 4, 2011

Being True to Yourself Gives True Freedom

"True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right."

~Brigham Young

When we allow ourselves to be guided by our moral compass and our  beliefs about what is really right, we can be authentic to ourselves and those around us.  When you are true to yourself, you can experience true independence and  freedom.  It isn't about being what others expect of us that counts; it is what we expect of ourselves.  When we live our personal code of what we believe is right, we express ourselves more fully.  Doing that means setting and enforcing boundaries with others about what we believe is right.  Here's an example:  Many years ago when I was still in grad school, I had a boyfriend who didn't pay his child support.  He used his tax refund to buy a camera instead.  Although I tried to pretend that it was none of my business, this ran so counter to my sense of what was right that I ultimately felt compelled 
to end the relationship.    

This week:  Spend some time evaluating how in tune your life and daily activities are with what you think is right.  Do you ever "go along" just to not make waves?  Do you stand up to intolerance?  Do you express your beliefs, even if they aren't popular?  It takes courage to stand up for what you believe, but the payoff is huge in terms of your own self respect, freedom and authenticity.  This week make the decision to stand up for ONE THING with ONE PERSON.  Notice how this feels. 

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people uncover their values, needs, life's purpose, passion and meaning.  She specializes in helping people overcome negative emotions and limiting beliefs from the past, (what she calls "emotional clutter").  For more information go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com .  

Monday, June 27, 2011

What Are You Thinking?

"Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in 
the mind through repetition of thought."

~Napoleon Hill

This can be either very helpful or not very helpful.  If you are thinking empowering thoughts, and repeat them often enough, you can be empowered.  You can create ideas and plans that inspire you.  You can allow purpose (and passion) to move you forward toward great things--just by thinking those thoughts repeatedly.  AND if you are thinking thoughts that limit you, those thoughts will just as surely keep you from getting the outcome you were seeking.  What are limiting ideas or thoughts?  Ideas that contain a negative--for example, when you think about what you DON'T want, rather than what you DO want.  Thoughts that focus on failure, anxiety, worry, memories of bad experiences, self doubt, fear, guilt, hurt, sadness, or anger.  If you are going to be putting ideas, plans and purposes in your mind through repetition of thought, why not make them empowering ideas rather than liming ones?

This week:  Sit down with a piece of paper divided into 2 columns.  At the top of one column, put "Empowering"; at the top of the other column, put "Limiting".  Now spend some time brainstorming.  Identify those thoughts you think regularly and repeatedly.  Write it down in the column it belongs in.  Does it empower you or limit you?  Continue you doing this until you have captured them all (or at least the most frequent ones).  This may take you a few days.  Then look at the "Limiting" column.  See if you can reword them so that they are 1) positive 2) empowering and 3) could be true (you have to be able to believe that the belief could be true, even if it isn't quite true yet).  Practice REPEATEDLY saying the empowering thoughts OUT LOUD this week.  Do you get more confident about it the more you say it.  If not, practice changing your body language and say it like you MEAN IT!  

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people overcome mindset limitations that block their success and happiness.  Many people stockpile negative emotions and limiting beliefs from past negative experiences (what Linda calls "emotional clutter") and it keeps them stuck.  For more information about how to change this, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com . 

Monday, June 20, 2011

You Need to Be Able to Communicate Your Ideas

"You can have brilliant ideas, but if you cannot get them 
across, your ideas will not get you anywhere."

~Lee Iaccoco

The ability to communicate your ideas to others is important.  Not because you need others to approve of your ideas, but because when you share your ideas you clarify your thinking and those ideas become better, more productive, more achievable.  There is a synergy that happens when ideas are shared that sometimes makes the resulting ideas even more brilliant.  You need to take the time to formulate your ideas in a way that can be communicated when you are ready to move them forward.  While you may need some time to be ready to share your ideas, time to think them through, time to articulate them into an understandable form, in the end you need to be able to share them.  Think where we might be if Einstein had not shared his ideas...

This week: Think about the ideas that have been floating around in your head for awhile.  Have you communicated them to anyone?  If not, why not?  What would need to happen for you to be ready to share them?  This week, take one small step to get ready to share your idea.  It might be to spend some time thinking about what you would tell or who you would tell.  It might be actually talking with someone about it.  It might be answering your own questions about your idea:  why? what?  how?  what if?  Take some action to move your idea forward this week.  Then notice how that feels.  

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people reach goals they had not thought possible using tools she's discovered in her 30+ years of experience.  She specializes in helping people overcome the mindset limitations often caused by negative emotions from the past or limiting beliefs.  For more information go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com .  

Monday, June 13, 2011

Emptying Your Mind Creates Space for Peace

"A primary method for gaining a mind full of 
peace is to practice emptying the mind."

~Napoleon Hill

We are often so caught up with working and doing things that we ignore peace.  We might crave it, but we don't do anything to pursue it or encourage it.  For many of us, thoughts chase us throughout the day, even into the night.  We have trouble turning our mind off, so we have trouble getting sleep.  We find it difficult to relax because we are always thinking of everything we have to do.  At least once a day, we need to empty our minds to create space for peace.  Turn off the thoughts and turn your mind inward, allowing your thoughts to drift away.  Breathe.  Keep breathing.  Allow your muscles to relax and stay in the present moment.  Invite peace into your life.  And watch your life change in positive ways.

This week: Everyday take at least 15 minutes to empty your mind.  Breathe deeply from your belly and sigh when you exhale.  Allow the tension to leave your shoulders and neck.  Picture your mind emptying out.  Imagine your thoughts taking flight and disappearing into the sky above you.  (Don't worry, you'll be able to get them back).  Imagine washing your mind with your favorite color.  Bathe your mind in calming light and energy.  Invite peace into your mind to fill the space that is now there.  Relax and enjoy.  Do this at least once a day for a full week.  Notice how you feel at the end of the week.  Isn't peace worth at least 15 minutes of your day?

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people overcome the mindset limitations that often block success and happiness.  A mindset limitation may be a belief that "I can't turn off my mind" or that "I need to pay attention to everything so that I don't forget something."  Wouldn't it be nice to let that stuff go?  For more information about the tools Linda uses, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com .  Discover the resources to transform your life... 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Great Things Are Done in Smaller Steps

"Great things are done by a series of 

small things brought together."

~ Vincent van Gogh

Whether you are doing all the small things yourself to create something bigger, or whether you are collaborating with others to put together the pieces that will make your outcome greater than the sum of each part, when you take small steps and put them together, you often get something greater than you had anticipated at the start.  The small steps make the task easier to accomplish.  Sometimes doing things in small steps is the only way to get things accomplished at all.  The job is too big to do all at once, or too overwhelming to achieve.  Small steps keep you from being overwhelmed, and allows you to build momentum towards your goal.  Take those small steps; do those small things and achieve something greater than you'd thought possible.  

This week:  Take a small step toward a big goal.  Do some small thing without expecting yourself to "do it all."  Notice what that feels like.  Although you may think what you did is pretty insignificant in the bigger scheme of things, beginning the journey toward that bigger goal or achievement starts you moving forward.  Do something little every day this week toward some outcome you'd like to accomplish.  Notice your progress at the end of the week.  You may still have a long way to go, but you've made a dent in it, have you not?  Congratulate yourself or reward yourself in some way.  If you like this approach, make a commitment to doing it again next week.  

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people achieve goals they had not thought possible using her solution focused approach.  She specializes in helping people overcome mindset limitations that often block our success.  For more information go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com .

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Secret to Success Is Being Ready

"The great secret of success in life is for a man 

to be ready when his opportunity comes."

~Benjamin Disraeli

There are a lot of secrets about success, but this one is vital.  Opportunities may come to us, but we may not ready for them.  When we are not ready, we either ignore them, completely oblivious to them, or we attempt to seize the opportunity, but cannot deliver.  We are not ready for that opportunity, and thus, cannot really use it fully.  In this time of economic challenge, people are waiting for opportunities.  But they may be doing little to get ready for those opportunities.  It is a perfect use of your "waiting time" to do what you need to do to be ready, so that you will be able to use the opportunity fully. 

This week:  Ask yourself: "What do I need to do to really be ready to seize the opportunities that come to me?  Is there personal work I need to do to keep myself from self-sabotage?  Are there things I need in my business or in my career that can help better support me when opportunities come along?  Are there skills I need to further develop?"  Write down the ideas that come to you.  You might also want to ask a trusted friend or associate these questions.  Come up with a plan to implement growth in at least one area to help you get ready to take advantage of the opportunities that are coming your way.   Once you have that plan, take the first step!  (Planning isn't enough--you have to take action, too). 

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people overcome obstacles to their success.  She specializes in helping people overcome mindset limitations and ways that they sabotage themselves. For more information and free resources, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com

Monday, May 23, 2011

Leave the Past Behind

"The farther behind I leave the past, 
the closer I am to forging my own character."

~ Isabelle Eberhardt

When you are stuck in the past, you often stay stuck as the person you were back then, many times determined by what others thought of you.  While all of us have been shaped by the events in our past and how we reacted to them, we DO have the power to change those influences.  The key to any experience, good or bad, is what we have learned from it.  When you take the learning and realize what is positive in it, you are able to let go of any residual negative emotions from the experience. While that doesn't change what happened, it changes its meaning.  That is of utmost importance because it opens up opportunities for you to be the person you can really be.    

This week:  Take some time to think about your past. Set aside that time. Think about what has shaped you, good or bad.   Think about each significant experience and what POSITIVE learning you got from it.  It might be something as simple (and profound) as "I survived" or "They did the best they could" or "I did the best I could."  Take a deep breath as you think about the learning.  Bring that learning forward toward the present as you review each significant event.  When you are back to today, imagine bundling all that positive learning into a bundle and shrinking it down to fit into your pocket.  Know that the learning will always be with you.  Notice how you feel.  Do you feel more like yourself?  Or the self you could be? 

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people find resources to change their lives in big ways.  She is the creator of the Life Moments Makeover System™, a system for letting go of negative emotions and limiting mindsets quickly and easily.  For more information, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com  .

Monday, May 16, 2011

Why Do You Put Things Off?

"If you put off everything till you're sure of it, 
you'll never get anything done."

~Norman Vincent Peale

Putting things off is often due to perfectionism or uncertainty.  You don't have to be perfect.  You don't have to be sure.  Sometimes you just have to jump and do it, even if you aren't sure of it.  In most situations, you can revise and tweak your results.  Too often we expect ourselves to produce a finished product in our first attempt, and end up not producing anything.  Sometimes you have to let go of the outcome in order to get an outcome at all.

This week:  Be honest with yourself.  Do you end up putting things off because you aren't sure?  What is it you are not sure of?  Yourself?  Your abilities?  Your outcome? The product?  How does delaying it help you?  If you aren't sure, ask yourself "What do I need to do to take the first small step in this?"  Take that step and THEN decide what the next step is.  You don't have to know it all when you begin.  But you have to begin.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people achieve goals and overcome their limitations due to mindset and beliefs.  She knows how to get people to take action and to break overwhelming tasks into manageable pieces.  For more information and free resources, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com

Monday, May 9, 2011

Find the Place Inside You Where Nothing Is Impossible

"You must find the place inside yourself 
where nothing is impossible."

~Deepak Chopra

We are all capable of so much more than we believe is possible.  We limit ourselves by our thoughts that we don't have the skills, don't have the capabilities to achieve what we'd like to dream.  In order to really succeed, we each need to find that place within ourselves where nothing is impossible.  If you can conceive of something, you can find the way to achieve it.  But you have to let go of the beliefs and the mindset that limit you.

This week:  Imagine what you would do if you knew that you could not fail.  If you knew that anything was not only possible, but you could achieve it, what would you do?  This connects you not only with what is really most important to you, but also where you've put limitations.  Spend some time this week considering whether those limitations are really true, or have you imagined them.  Understand that anything you can imagine can be changed to something less limiting.  Take time to imagine what you would need in order to have a mindset that "I can do it; anything is possible."  What do you need to do in order to make that a reality?  Write down the steps and commit yourself to taking at least one step this week.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert and helping people achieve goals they had not thought possible using a variety of solution focused methods.  She believes that you CAN achieve anything if you have the right tools, and at the Inner Resource Center, LLC helps people find the resources necessary to transform their lives.  For more information, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com

Monday, May 2, 2011

Are You Ready to Change Your Bad Habits?

“Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of.”


We often get comfortable with our habits, even if they are not habits that are good for us.  It isn't that we are too lazy to change them; only that sometimes the pain of that bad habit isn't strong enough to motivate us to "get up" and change.  Actually, changing habits doesn't have to be that difficult, but is DOES require that you have the intention and motivation to stick with your decision to change and follow through.  Just as you have to decide to get out of bed in the morning, you also have to decide that you want to make the change.

 This week:  Think about a bad habit you have wanted to change. Are you ready to make a commitment to this change? It needs to be more than a belief that "it would be nice to change,"  it needs to be absolutely essential for you to make the change.  Think about what will happen if you don't make this change.  What will happen to you and the life you want to have?  What won't happen as a result of not changing this bad habit?  Are there things that won't happen if you change this bad habit?  What good things can happen if you make the change?  Fully consider the consequences of keeping yourself stuck in this bad habit.  Decide if you are really motivated to change.  If not, don't pretend that you are.  Acknowledge to yourself whether you are motivated to change or not.  If not, what will you need to do to get motivated?  Do you know what it will take to change that bad habit? 

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people make the changes necessary to overcome obstacles to their success and happiness.  When you have the right tools, you can change any bad habit, and it isn't even all that difficult.  For more information got to http://www.innerresourcecenter.com/ and download free resources or call for a complimentary consultation.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Confront Your Fears

"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."

~ Joseph Campbell

It is so true that when we confront our fears, we discover the greatest treasures.  Often we hold ourselves back because of our fears.  When you give in to your fear, you are allowing yourself to be deprived of the treasure you most seek.  Most of us create fear around the things that are more important and valuable to us.  We are afraid of intimacy; we are afraid of failure; we fear loss of love; we fear being exposed as a fraud.  When you confront those fears, you are able to move forward and to uncover the treasure that has been buried from your because of your fear.  The relief is palpable and well worth it.  Your treasure is worth confronting those fears.

This week:  Give a name to that cave where your fear resides.  What treasure could you have if you conquered that fear?  Greater freedom?  Greater success?  Love?  Joy?  Peace?  Now sit down with a piece of paper.  Ask yourself "What purpose does my fear serve?" and listen for the answer from inside, where your subconscious mind resides.  Then ask yourself "What would I need to do, what would I need to have, or what would I need to know in order to let it go?  Why do I think I need to be fearful?"  Write down all the ideas that show up.  You are beginning to create a plan for letting go of your fear. Pick ONE idea to follow.  Notice if your fear dissipates a little. Keep breathing.   If you want more help with this, call or email me.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people get rid of negative emotions and limiting mindsets formed from their past negative experiences.  She has more than 32 years helping people change, and has the tools to teach you how to make those changes quickly.  For more information, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com .

Monday, April 18, 2011

You Have to Choose

"You are doomed to make choices. This is life's greatest paradox."

~Dr. Wayne Dyer

Even when we postpone decisions, we are deciding.  Sometimes not deciding becomes a decision in its own right. No matter what, we MUST make choices in our lives.  We have so many opportunities, but at some point we must make a choice and restrict those opportunities.  It is unavoidable, and trying to keep from "losing" opportunities ensures that you will indeed lose them.You must make choices, and worrying about being "wrong" keeps you stuck.  Set your foot down on the path that is best for you and move forward.

This week:  Ask yourself: "Are there decisions I've been avoiding?  Are there choices I'm postponing?   Am I afraid of being wrong?"  Write down what you have been avoiding, and really examine honestly if fear of making mistakes with your choices has been keeping you from moving forward.  If so, know that the fear is a part of a limiting mindset.  It keeps you from taking a chance and making choices.  And by doing that it limits your ability to take advantage of any opportunities.  The key is being able to trust yourself enough and know that each decision takes you on a journey, and on each journey there are many lessons and much to see.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people overcome limiting mindsets. She utilizes a variety of tools to help people make changes rapidly so that they can move on.  If you want more information about how she can help you and tools to help you when you are stuck, go to http://www.InnerResourceCenter.com .  

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ask for What You Want

"The winds of grace blow all the time. All we need do is set our sails."

~ Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

Sometimes we sit and wait for good things to happen, and sometimes we are disappointed that we are not getting what we had hoped for.  At the same time, in order to get what you want, you need to declare it--you need to say what you want and be ready to receive it.  Once you declare your intention, you "set the sails" toward making it happen.

This week:  If there is something you would like, state it as an intention.  Come right out and say "I want _______."  Tell someone "I'm going to do what I need to do to get ___________."  Breathe a deep breath into that intention.  Enrich it with your breath and energy.  Feel that desire and intention throughout your whole body.  Notice if there is any ambivalence.  If there is, try changing your words until you can say them without any resistance.  Now notice what happens.  At the end of the week notice if you are any closer to achieving that intention. 

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people achieve goals they had not thought possible using her solution focused methods.  She specializes in helping people get unstuck from the negative emotions, limiting beliefs and other mindset problems so that they can achieve their highest dreams. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Take Your Own Life's Journey

"No one saves us but outselves.  No one can and no one may.  We ourselves must walk the path."


People often look outside themselves for something or someone to save them or change their situation.  While it is fine to get information or assistance, the decision of what to do and how to do it remains with you.  It is ultimately your journey in this life and no one else can take it for you.  Pretending you are not responsible for your life keeps you stuck waiting for a rescuer that cannot save you.  It keeps you a victim.  To save yourself you have to take your own action.

This week:  Look at your life honestly.  Are you waiting for someone else to tell you what to do?  Are you waiting for someone or something to happen to allow you to move forward?  If so, look inside.  Challenge yourself.  Ask yourself if you are hoping someone else will do the hard work for you?  Are you hoping someone else can/will save you?  If so, make a decision that you can and will do it yourself.  Find one small thing you can do that will orient you toward solving your problem.  It doesn't have to be big.  Relegate others to being your support or your consultants, but stop expecting them to fix things for you.  It is your path to walk and you CAN do it! 

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people find their Inner Resources.  She knows that people can achieve anything if they have the right tools and she is committed to helping you find what will work for you.  She works with people in Personal Breakthrough Intensive Sessions in order to help them transform their lives quickly and relatively easily with her solution focused approach.  For more information, go to http://www.innerresourcecenter.com/ .   

Monday, March 28, 2011

Change Your Thoughts and Beliefs to Change Your Perception of the World

"Every thought you have makes up some segment of the world you see. It is with your thoughts, then, that we must work, if your perception of the world is to be changed."

~A Course in Miracles

Our thoughts are very powerful.  We each view the world in terms of our thoughts, feelings and perceptions, which have been based upon our experiences in life.  We act as if our thoughts are true, when, in fact, they may be distortions filtered through our experiences.  If the world is not as you would like it to be, and if your life is not the way you would like it to be, you first need to examine your thoughts, your beliefs and your feelings.  You can change your perceptions if you choose, but you need to be willing to look at what you think and believe. 

This week:  Challenge yourself to examine your thoughts and beliefs. Are there things you think or believe that limit you?  Write these down.  You don't have to change them right now, but understand clearly how they limit your success and happiness.  What would you be able to do if you thought or believed something different?  If this is too difficult to consider, look at how the beliefs and thoughts others have limit them.  It is often easier to see limitations in others than in ourselves.  Notice how the way people think impacts their perceptions of the world and their experiences.  This week, identify ONE limiting belief or thought that you would like to change.  Write it down.  Every time it comes up, challenge it.  Ask yourself, "Is this really true?"  Ask yourself, "What would I need to believe instead that would empower me?" 

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people change limiting beliefs quickly and easily with her solution-focused techniques.  Her business, the Inner Resource Center, LLC helps people find the best resources to help them transform their lives and move forward toward greater success, meaning and happiness.  For more information, go to http://www.innerresourcecenter.com/ or http://www.emotionalclutter.com/ 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Be Willing to Do and Dare

"The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore."

~ Dale Carnegie

If you are looking for a "sure thing," you are likely to miss out on your dreams and the possibilities life has to offer you.  In order to grab what you want from your life, you need to be willing to take action--to do--as well as to take a chance--to dare.  There is no way of controlling everything, and in order to move forward, you often must leave the comfort of where you are.  You have to be willing to let go the sure thing and the comfort it offers and be willing to take that leap of faith that you can do what needs to be done to get you what you want in your life.  Taking chances and taking action are the only way to move yourself forward.

This week:  Examine your current situation.  Are you moving forward the way you would like to?  Is something holding you back?  Evaluate whether you are taking the actions necessary to get you where you really want to go in your life.  Are you having trouble taking the chances you need to?  Are you hoping that "life the way you want it" will be a sure thing?  If you are stuck hoping for a sure thing, determine what sorts of risks you will need to be able to take in order to move forward.  What needs to happen for you to be willing to "do and dare?"  Once you have figured this out, decide if you are willing to do what is necessary.  You don't have to do it yet, but begin to figure out ways to take SMALL STEPS to more yourself forward.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people overcome the obstacles to their success and happiness.  She knows that people can jump in all at once or ease themselves in one step at a time and can help you determine what method will work best for you.  For more information about her programs and services, go to http://www.innerresourcecenter.com/ .

Monday, March 14, 2011

Notice the Value in Those Around You

"We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us something is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch."

~e. e. cummings

We all need to believe in our own value, and although we can do much to acknowledge our own value to ourselves, when another person acknowledges our value, it has special meaning.  Knowing that someone else notices that we are valuable, worthy and deserving gives us a special gift--the recognition that someone else notices what we have to offer. 

This week:  Think about who in your life has acknowledged your value and worthiness.  Who has recognized that specialness you hold inside?  Who recognizes what you have to offer the world?  How has this helped you believe in yourself?  How do you do this for others?  Think about revealing to those you know that inside them you see something valuable, worth listening to, worthy of your trust and sacred to your trust.  Notice how it feels to give this gift to others.  Pay attention to opportunities to confirm what you notice in others and how they confirm what they notice in you. 

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert at helping people develop their own inner resources.  She knows the importance of self esteem and how to nurture its development in self and others.  For more information about the programs she offers, go to http://www.innerresourcecenter.com/ .   

Monday, March 7, 2011

Allow Yourself to Find the Most Valuable Use of Your Time

"Perhaps the very best question that you can memorize and repeat, over and over, is, 'what is the most valuable use of my time right now?'"

~ Brian Tracy

Putting your focus on what is the most valuable use of your time allows you to make choices about how you will live your life.  It allows you to live with intention and purpose, congruent with what is most important to you.  Too often we allow ourselves to get distracted by demands on our time that are not meaningful, that don't take us in the direction we want to go.  Those demands may seem urgent, but they are not important; in fact, they distract us from what is most important.  When you focus on what is the most valuable use of your time, you will be paying attention to what matters most.

This week:  Decide to put your focus on what is the most valuable use of your time.  Ask yourself this question repeatedly several times a day.  Find the answer, and act accordingly.  Notice how this feels.  Notice what things get pushed into the background.  Paying attention to what is most important may be difficult, especially with the demands others make on your time.  Find ways to direct your focus away from those less important demands.  If necessary, tell others, "I have something else I have to do first."  Then do what is most important.  At the end of the week, notice how you feel about how you have used your time. 

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people overcome obstacles to their success and happiness, including difficulties with time management and organization.  She believes strongly in helping people live meaningful, authentic lives, and helps them find the resources to do that.  For more information about her business, the Inner Resource Center, LLC, go to http://www.innerresourcecenter.com/ .

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tune In to Your Inner Music

"We rarely hear the inward music, but we're all dancing to it nevertheless."


We are all guided, whether we realize it or not, by our inner, often unconscious thoughts, feelings, beliefs and passions.  Realizing that you are responding to that inner music, and beginning to "tune in" to it allows you to utilize that resource in a greater way.  When you do that, you enhance your ability to live fully and meaningfully.  It is the inner music that moves you toward your Life's Purpose. It is the song that you can share with others to create even greater harmony.

This week:  Take some time to tune in to your inner music.  What thoughts drift through your mind when you are alone?  What passions do you want to share?  When do you feel and act your very best?  When do you hear that still, small voice urging you to listen?  What themes show up repeatedly in your life?  If you knew what it was, what would you want to call the song of YOUR life?  Notice where your thoughts lead you.  Allow yourself to follow these new paths, even if only for this one week.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and creator of the Discover Your Life's Purpose program, a 7 step self help audio CD and workbook program to help you discover your life's purpose.  She is an expert at helping people tune in to their unconscious beliefs and their inner music.  For more information, go to http://www.innerresourcecenter.com/

Monday, February 21, 2011

Choose to Believe in Your Value

"You are always a valuable, worthwhile human being, not because anybody says so, not because you're successful, not because you make a lot of money, but because you decide to believe it and for no other reason."

~ Wayne Dyer

When you believe in yourself, you unleash the power to create, to achieve, to inspire.  You unleash your own potential and authenticity, simply by choosing to believe that you are valuable and worthwhile.  When you do that, you share a great gift with the world. Why would you choose to believe anything else?

This week:  When you are assailed by doubt or by negative beliefs about yourself, challenge those.  Remember they are just things you are choosing to believe.  Ask yourself  "Is this really true?"  When you feel tempted to depend on other people (no matter how near and dear they are to you) or external measurements to define your worth, challenge that.  No one except you and God really knows you and your worth.  Choose for this week to believe in your value.  Don't worry, it won't make you arrogant.  When you believe in your worth, you have more to offer.  Focus this week on what you have to offer the world, just because you are worthwhile.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people overcome negative emotions and limiting beliefs from the past--what she refers to as "mental clutter."  She utilizes the Life Moments Makeover System to help people make transformational changes quickly.  For more information about her system for rapid change and improved self esteem, go to http://www.innerresourcecenter.com/ .