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Monday, April 6, 2009

How to Find Happiness

"Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory."

~Albert Schweitzer

When you focus your attention and energy on memories of bad experiences or every ache and pain, you tend to live in the negative and it is hard to be happy. But when you focus on what is going well in your life, or what you have to be grateful for, you pave the way for happiness. We get what we focus on, so why not focus on every ounce of happiness you find in your life? That is the way to make it grow. Let go of those negative emotions and beliefs that limit you. You'll make room for the happiness you thought you were missing.

This week: Focus on what is going RIGHT in your life. Get out of memories of past negative experiences, and focus on a time when you felt empowered and happy. Notice what happens when you are focused in that direction.

Linda Pucci, Ph.D. is a psychologist, life coach and expert in helping people find happiness and joy by getting rid of "emotional clutter"--those negative emotions and limiting beliefs that we stockpile from past experiences. For more information about how she can help you move on, go to http://www.innerresourcecenter.com/

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